Boy In Medan Sodomized By Masked Men, Lawyers Urge Police To Quickly Arrest Perpetrators

MEDAN - An 11-year-old boy in the city of Medan is suspected of being molested by 10 masked men. The victim's depraved act was experienced in a pickup truck covered by a tarpaulin.

The victim's family has reported to the Medan Police on Friday, August 27. The victim's lawyer, Irwansyah Nasution, hopes that the police will immediately arrest the perpetrators.

Because, said Irwansyah, the victim recognized one of the perpetrators, because he had pulled the mask of the perpetrator.

"The victim recognized one of the perpetrators," said Irwansyah, Thursday, September 2.

However, Irwansyah has not yet detailed the identity of the alleged perpetrator. He said that because his face was recognized, the perpetrator had threatened the victim.

"Never tell your mother, otherwise you will die," said Irwansyah, imitating the threat received by the victim.

According to Irwansyah, this should be a clue for the police to apprehend the perpetrators until the case is finally revealed.

"We will meet with Medan Polrestabes investigators, that this is a case that needs attention," he said.

As previously reported, this incident occurred on Monday, August 23. The victim told her parents that the perpetrators threatened the victim with a knife.

The victim's biological mother, PA, said the incident began when the victim came out of her house and the perpetrators pulled her into a pickup.

"So there were a lot of people in the pickup, they were immediately treated like that," said the victim's mother, Wednesday, September 1.

When carrying out their depraved acts, the perpetrators wore masks. Perpetrators are said to take turns molesting the victim and filming it.

After venting their lust, the perpetrators took the victim to her original place and violently kicked the victim to get off the pickup.

"That night I saw my son was depressed, then I asked why, the situation seemed very traumatized, but at that time, my son did not want to answer and shed tears," said the victim's mother.

"Then I persuaded him (the victim of the story) that he was molested by 10 people. I have made a report to the Medan Polrestabes," he continued.

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