JEMBER - The Regent of Jember Hendy Siswanto explained the nine flagship programs of the Regent and Deputy Regent of Jember in the plenary meeting of the Raperda for the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2021-2026 at the Jember DPRD, East Java.

"The flagship programs are Jember with one data, superior human resources, infrastructure, 'industrial farming', empowered pesantren, empowered Jember village movement, Jember Permata Java, and reliable Jember services," he said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 1.

He said 'Jember one data' is a flagship program that includes Jember one data, digitizing public services, electronic-based government systems and Jember media "center".

Then the superior HR programs cover the fields of education, health, Jember proud (building a family), "Jember Safety Center", Revitalization of Hospitals and welfare (poverty and unemployment).

"The flagship infrastructure program includes the 'Jember Outer Ring Road' (JORR), regional interconnectivity transportation, dock construction and airport class improvement, optimization of JSG, sustainable environment and waste management," he said.

Then the 'industrial farming' program, he continued, is a flagship program that includes one family, one pond (2SK), independent fertilizer, cold storage and fish canning factories, modernization of fishing gear, and integration of agricultural products and SMEs.

The Empowered Islamic Boarding School program is a flagship program that includes pesantren entrepreneurs, pesantren cooperatives, innovation festivals and student pioneers.

"The Jember Berdaya Village Movement is a flagship program that includes the 'Smart Village' Informatics Application, the synergy of the Village Government with the policy direction of the Regency Government, and BUMDes for developed and independent villages," he said.

For the Jember program to grow, it is a flagship program that includes the revitalization of cooperatives and MSMEs, the revitalization of regional companies, and 25 market certifications.

"Regarding the criticism of the COVID-19 funeral honorarium conveyed by the PKB Faction, it will be a lesson and correction in the future to be more careful, so as not to repeat it and hurt people's hearts," he said.

Hendy said that recommendations to evaluate and reorganize the bureaucracy by taking into account the competence and loyalty of ASN are also needed.

"We agreed to immediately evaluate and reorganize the bureaucracy by taking into account the loyalty, integrity and competence of ASN," he said.

The Regent of Jember also promised to be serious in creating a bureaucracy that has qualified public service performance, namely a bureaucracy that is able to design programs that are more targeted and provide optimal results.

In the plenary meeting, the Regent's response to the Faction's General View of the Raperda on the RPJMD was held online and offline.

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