JAKARTA - The NGO The Aceh Institute noted that so far there have been 19 regencies/cities in Aceh that have ratified and implemented qanuns (regional regulations) regarding non-smoking areas (KTR). 23 other regions in Aceh have implemented this KTR qanun," said Publication Manager of The Aceh Institute, Daniel Akbar Taqwaddin, in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, September 1. Lhokseumawe City, South Aceh, Aceh Tamiang, and Pidie Jaya District. Meanwhile, 19 regions that have implemented the KTR qanun include West Aceh District, Southwest Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, Aceh Singkil, East Aceh, Central Aceh, Southeast Aceh. Then, North Aceh, Bener Meriah, Bireuen, Gayo Lues, Pidie, Aceh Jaya, Nagan Raya, Langsa City, Subulussalam, Sabang and Banda Aceh City. On this occasion, Daniel said that the implementation of regulations This smoke-free area also has challenges, both from the government side and the community itself. That challenge, said Daniel, from the government side, cigarette control policies are still considered in the law-political category, then tend to see cigarettes as a potential commodity that can increase the country's foreign exchange or "In fact, another big challenge is that many elements of the government are active smokers," he said.

Meanwhile, the challenge from the community side, according to Daniel, smoking is still considered a natural thing, and many community leaders become active smokers and display it in public. "In fact, although there are many qanuns on KTR, we see that so far there is still a lack of strict social sanctions against smokers," he said. "The existing regulations must be enforced, such as limiting advertising, or at least not having cigarette advertisements around educational establishments," said Daniel.

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