Sexual Harassment And Bullying Occurs During The Day At The Central KPI Office, Victims: They Are Silent

JAKARTA - An employee of the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) with the initials MS said that the sexual harassment and bullying he experienced occurred during the day in his office environment. He also said that there were no other colleagues who helped him.

"(Harassment occurred, ed) in the office environment. During the day," said MS while talking to VOI via text message, Wednesday, September 1.

MS said the Central KPI employees were aware of the action. But they can't multiply.

"They just kept quiet," said the man who works in the visual data section.

MS admitted that he had been sexually harassed and bullied since 2012 until now. According to him, the perpetrators dared to sexually harass and bully him because he was considered 'cheeky' and did not dare to fight, especially when they were seniors who entered first.

According to him, his office had already taken action against the harassment and bullying he experienced by moving his workplace to a safer room. However, he still felt uncomfortable.

"I can't take it anymore, Sis," said MS, saying that he would leave the Central KPI.

"I will probably resign," he added.

In a chain message that was crowded on the WhatsApp short message application, MS said the incident began when he was often ordered to serve his seniors. In fact, according to him, they have the same position as employees of the Central KPI.

The climax was in 2015 when the perpetrators ganged up on their heads, hands, feet, stripped naked, pinned them, and abused them.

"(They, ed) harassed me by scribbling on my testicles using markers," said MS in a chain message he sent because he felt it was his last resort.

"This incident traumatized me and I lost my emotional stability. How can this kind of evil harassment happen at the Central KPI? What kind of syndicate is the perpetrator? They even documented my gender and made me powerless against them after the tragedy," he added.

As a result of the harassment and bullying she received, MS's mentality changed and she experienced severe stress, humiliation, and severe trauma. In fact, he admitted, often shouted to himself in the middle of the night.

"The nudity and abuse were so imprinted, I was no longer the same after that incident, I felt I had no value anymore as a human being, as a man, as a husband, as the head of the household," he said.

This kind of incident was then repeated in 2017 when Central KPI employees conducted technical guidance at the Prima Cipayung Resort. Around midnight while he was asleep, the perpetrators threw him in the pool and laughed at him.

MS admitted that he had reported the harassment and bullying he experienced to Komnas HAM on August 11, 2017, which was then responded to a month later.

At that time, MS said what he had experienced was a crime and he was advised to report it to the police. However, his report at the Gambir Police in 2019 was not received and he was asked to resolve the problem internally.

MS did do this and eventually the workplace was moved to a safer place. "But since the complaint, the perpetrators have ridiculed me as a weak human being and the complainant. They have not been sanctioned at all," he said.

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