JAKARTA - The son of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, Nicholas Sean Purnama, has officially reported Ayu Thalia back to the police. The report includes strong evidence for alleged defamation.

"It is accompanied by evidence in the form of a flash disk whose contents can be asked to investigators," said Sean's lawyer, Ahmad Ramzy, to reporters, Wednesday, September 1.

Although reluctant to describe the contents of the flash disk, Ramzy had mentioned that one of its contents was a recording. It is strongly suspected that the recording contained a conversation between Sean and Thalia.

"What I say is that the evidence is in the form of a flash disk, the contents are in the form of recordings," said Ramzy.

Based on Sean's narrative, said Ramzy, there were no acts of abuse or violence committed against Thalia. Especially about the bruises that Thalia claimed were the result of her client's actions.

"What is clear is that Sean has no physical contact with AT," said Ramzy.

Previously reported, Ayu Thalia reported Nicholas Sean, Ahok's son, to the Penjaringan Police because he was accused of committing acts of abuse. But Nicholas Sean denied he didn't do that.

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