BATAM - Baharkam Polri has alerted nine ships to secure the territorial waters in the Riau Islands Province with four neighboring countries, from various potential violations.

The Head of Baharkam Polri Komjen Arief Sulistyanto stated that due to the vast waters of the Riau Islands, collaborative efforts were needed to secure the wealth of the Republic of Indonesia in the sea area.

"Baharkam Polri in supporting the security of the Riau Islands, we have placed nine ships," said Komjen Arief in Batam, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 31.

The nine ships were BKO to Riau Islands. His party assigned a high-ranking officer with the rank of Brigadier General to serve as a supervisor and controller, who coordinated with the Kapolda and other marine security agencies.

His party handed over the operations of the nine ships to the Regional Police Chief for the placement of security patrols in the sea area.

The nine ships have different capacities, and only two large ships can reach the Natuna Waters.

In addition, his party also cooperates, collaborates and synergizes with other relevant agencies in marine security, including PSDKP.

"Although we work with different laws, our determination is one, to secure Indonesia's marine areas, and to protect the natural wealth in the sea. Do not let it be stolen by irresponsible people," he said.

Director General of PSDKP Rear Admiral Adin Nurawaluddin said his party was committed to safeguarding the Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia.

It also coordinates with other officers at sea. "There is no word of compromise in eradicating 'illegal fishing' in Indonesian fishery areas," he said.

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