JAKARTA - The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono confirmed the provision of a third dose of vaccination (booster) by the National Police Headquarters for health workers and support personnel of health facilities in the Bhayangkara Corps.

"Those who are given the booster vaccine are health workers and people who work in Polri health facilities, or are called health workers supporters," said Argo, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 31.

Argo explained that the supporters of health workers who received the booster vaccine were janitors at hospitals or health facilities owned by the National Police and ambulance drivers.

According to Argo, the health workers support workers include workers who are at risk of being exposed to COVID-19 because of their work interacting with patients at Polri health facilities.

"Even though they are not health workers, they are all at the same risk as health workers so they need to get a booster," said Argo.

Meanwhile, Head of the Public Information Section (Kabag Penum) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan added that the National Police responded to the LaporCovid-19 upload which stated that the third dose of vaccination was given to non-health workers at the National Police Headquarters.

According to him, the National Police need to provide clarification so that the information circulating is not biased in the community and at the same time corrects the mistakes that have occurred.

"If we don't explain, the information seems to say that the National Police Headquarters can provide boosters to other than health workers. So, the information is not true," said Ramadhan.

Ramadhan also ensures a third dose of vaccination at the National Police Headquarters for health workers and health workers, such as cleaning workers at health facilities in hospitals and police clinics and ambulance drivers carrying COVID-19 patients.

"There are no police officers who have been injected with boosters, for example, I have only been vaccinated against Sinovac twice," said Ramadhan.

LaporCovid-19 through its social media page uploaded information based on the report it received related to the finding that non-nakes who received the booster vaccine turned out to have printed proof of the COVID-19 vaccination card. The violation occurred at the vaccination site written at the National Police Headquarters.

In the upload, LaporCovid-19 urged the Ministry of Health to investigate the violation of the third vaccine and reveal the modus operandi in the field.

LaporCovid-19 also urges the Ministry of Health to impose sanctions on non-nakes booster providers and disclose data on booster vaccination recipients.

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