MALANG - Malang City Police have innovations to reduce the number of traffic violations. The trick is to show videos of the faces of traffic violators on videotron in the center of the crowd of Malang City.

Head of Malang City Police Traffic Unit, AKP Yoppi Anggi Khrisna, said that this innovation has been carried out since Friday, August 27. The video that is played on videotron is about clarification and apologies for traffic violators.

“There we show a video apologizing for traffic violators. Each violator will be broadcast for 3 days,” said AKP Yoppi when contacted, Monday, August 31.

Actions by showing the faces of traffic violators on videotron are intended to provide a deterrent effect for violators. This moral sanction is expected to be effective in reducing the number of traffic violations.

“Usually the deterrent effect that we apply from our law enforcement is still not effective. We think that by going viral, they can create shame for violators," he said.

How to display the faces of traffic violators on videotron will be evaluated regarding its effect on violations on the road.

"But from our observation, this innovation has had an impact on reducing traffic violations in the city of Malang," he concluded.

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