PALU - The commando staff of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police has changed, and is now held by Inspector General Rudy Safahriadi. Rudy was again appointed to lead the Central Sulawesi Regional Police, replacing his senior, Inspector General Abdul Rakhman Baso, who retired from duty on 1 September.

The handover of positions was led by National Police Chief General Listyo Sigi Prabowo, at the National Police Headquarters Rupatama, Tuesday, August 31.

The appointment of Sufahriadi as the Chief of the Central Sulawesi Police, was stated in the Telegram Letter of the Chief of Police number: ST/1701/VIII/KEP/2021 dated August 25, 2021.

Rudy's name in the Central Sulawesi Regional Police is not foreign. The man who was born in Cimahi, West Java, was the head of the Central Sulawesi Regional Police in 2016-2018.

When Rudy led the Central Sulawesi Police, two leaders of the Poso terrorist group, Santoso and Daeng Koro, died during a gun battle with the joint TNI/Polri Task Force, which at that time was still coded as Operation Tinombala.

The man who is familiarly called Rudy "Elephant" once served as Poso Police Chief in 2005-2007. At the beginning of being the Poso Police Chief, Rudy was shot by an unknown person and luckily he was able to avoid the shot.

After being appointed as the Chief of the Central Sulawesi Police, Rudy left for Palu for immediate duty on September 1.

The implementation of the tradition, the unit report, the handover ceremony for the Central Sulawesi Regional Police and the tradition of releasing Baso will be packaged in a simple way, with the implementation of strict health protocols.

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