JAKARTA - PKS faction member Alifudin asserted that his party remains consistent as an opposition even though the parties that ran together in the 2019 presidential election declared to join the government coalition.

"PKS remains with the people and continues to serve the people as the government's opposition. Because that power needs to be criticized and monitored, so that there is no absolute power in the current regime," Alifudin told reporters, Tuesday, August 31.

The member of the House of Representatives Commission IX in the health sector also responded normally to the many political party leaders who praised the president for handling the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them, Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto.

"It's okay that the general chairmen of the coalition parties praise the government in handling COVID-19, because they are part of the government coalition. But we'll see, there are many murals circulating, do the people praise them too?," Alifudin quipped.

The West Kalimantan legislator assessed that there were still many shortcomings of the government in completing the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia. In fact, it seems that they have been very slow in taking policies since the beginning of the virus spreading in the country.

"If you want to list them one by one, there are many policies that are not pro to the people, let alone accelerating the handling of COVID-19," added Alifudin.

One of them, said Alifudin, is the acceleration of vaccination. According to him, the vaccination policy is still far from expectations. Moreover, there are officials who have had booster vaccines, but many people have not had the first dose of vaccine.

For this reason, Alifudin invites the public to jointly oversee government policies and voice their aspirations regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Don't be afraid if it's true and according to the data, because justice and truth will always win," he said.

Previously, during a meeting between the President and political party leaders, Gerindra Party Chair Prabowo Subianto assessed that President Jokowi's decision in handling the COVID-19 pandemic was appropriate and effective.

"We are already on the right path. So Pak Jokowi's leadership is effective, sir. I acknowledge that and I respect you. I see, I am a witness, I participate in the leadership cabinet, your decisions are suitable for our people," Prabowo said, in the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Saturday, August 27.

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