JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) assesses that there are two legal steps that must be taken after the Deputy Chair of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Lili Pintauli Siregar was declared to have violated ethics. Lili was given a severe sanction in the form of a 40 percent deduction from her basic salary for a year.

The sanction was imposed by the KPK Supervisory Board because Lili was proven to have committed a violation for abusing her authority as a leader and communicating with the litigants, namely M Syahrial who is a suspect in the alleged bribery case of buying and selling positions.

"The Supervisory Board must report Lili Pintauli Siregar to the police," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters in a written statement, Monday, August 30.

According to him, this kind of report is also not the first time. This is because in 2009, KPK Commissioner Bibit Samad Riyanto reported that KPK Chairman Antasari Azhar was suspected of having a meeting with the Director of PT Masaro Radiokom Anggoro Widjaja in Singapore.

Moreover, based on the legislation, namely Article 36 of the KPK Law, it is stated that the KPK leadership may not have direct or indirect relationships with litigants at the KPK.

This rule, he continued, is also not kidding because there is a criminal threat for leaders who violate it, namely 5 years in prison.

The next legal step, continued Kurnia, is that the deputy for prosecution of the KPK must explore the potential for bribery behind the communication made by Lili and Syahrial.

"If it is later proven that there has been a criminal act of bribery, Lili Pintauli can be charged with Article 12 of Law Number 20 of 2001 with the threat of life imprisonment," he said.

In addition, Kurnia also highlighted the sanctions imposed by Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean et al related to Lili's violations. He said the imposition of sanctions was light and disproportionate to the actions taken by the former Commissioner of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

Moreover, Lili has taken advantage of her position to take care of her family's interests and helped handle the alleged corruption case by Syahrial.

"Lili's actions can be called a corrupt act, so the Supervisory Board should not only reduce Lili's basic salary but also ask her to immediately resign from her position as a KPK Commissioner," said Kurnia.

Previously reported, the KPK Supervisory Board found Lili guilty and violated the code of ethics because she was in contact with the litigant, namely the inactive Tanjungbalai Mayor M Syahrial.

Lili was declared to have violated the code of ethics and behavioral guidelines in the form of abusing the influence of the KPK leadership for personal interests and dealing directly with parties whose cases are being handled by the KPK as regulated in Article 4 Paragraph 2 Letter b and Dewas Regulation No. 2 of 2020. For her actions, Tumpak Hatorangan et al. severe sanctions in the form of deductions from basic salary by 40 percent for 12 months.

There were two things that weighed on Lili so that she was sentenced to this sentence. Lili Pintauli is said to show no remorse for her actions and does not set an example and role model as a KPK leader.

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