JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini checked social assistance (bansos) with problems by visiting Sawaran Kulon Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java on Saturday, August 28 evening.

"Later, I will cross-check with the data on my desk, because the assistance is very risky," Risma said in an official statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 29.

The visit of the former Mayor of Surabaya in Sawaran Kulon Village, Kedungjajang District, Lumajang Regency, was to directly confirm to the community that there was a polemic in receiving social assistance for beneficiaries who were busy some time ago.

Risma had a dialogue with the people of Sawaran Kulon Village, after receiving reports that there were problems related to government assistance through the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT).

"I have also received complaints from the public regarding the unstable disbursement of social assistance through accounts during 2020. I ask all PKH administrators to list all documents, be it PKH, BPNT/BSD and social assistance," he said.

He stated that he did not want mistakes in making decisions, so he considered the data very important, but in addition, the aid distribution bank (BNI) was also asked to check the data for disbursement of aid.

"The assistance varied, some received PKH and BPNT, some received only PKH and some only received BPNT, so it must be cross-checked properly," he said.

Regarding the problems that existed in Sawaran Kulon Village, the Minister of Social Affairs gave it entirely to the authorities to investigate the truth of the problems that occurred at that time.

"If there are errors or irregularities in the disbursement of aid, it is hoped that it will be processed immediately in accordance with applicable law," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Lumajang Thoriqul Haq ordered all villages in the local district to submit data openly and post it at the local village office regarding the recipients of all social assistance at each village hall with nominal and explanations.

"The goal is for the social assistance to be transparent and open, so that later there will be no more misappropriation of social assistance funds," he said.

He also asked the PKH and BPNT assistants to facilitate the data so that it can be displayed at the village hall and at the same time those relating to legal issues can be processed.

"I ask the Lumajang Police Chief to ensure that everything is processed according to the existing mechanism and those who are wrong must be held accountable," he said.

Previously, residents in Sawaran Kulon Village complained about the cost of cutting social assistance funds from the PKH and BPNT programs in the local area.

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