JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo gathered the general chairmen of the coalition political parties at the Merdeka Palace to discuss a number of issues, including COVID-19. Although it was denied by the coalition elite, the discourse on amendments to the 1945 Constitution related to the meeting at the Palace remained a topic of discussion.

Indo Barometer's executive director, M. Qodari, said that there was no discussion of amendments to the 1945 Constitution when referring to the video statement of the political party chairman at the Palace.

"But for me, it is not impossible that yesterday's meeting was a political consolidation, both for the agenda of improving government performance and supporting the government and then welcoming new coalition members, namely PAN. As well as plans for amendments, because we know that Gerindra is close to a coalition to bring about the GBHN," said Qodari to VOI, Saturday, August 28.

The advisor to the Jokowi - Prabowo (Jokpro) 2024 National Secretariat analyzed that the foundation for various political agendas was getting stronger and more solid with the meeting.

"What the agenda is, I see it as something dynamic. Don't worry about the agenda, policies can still change. So I can't say until there, although I am in my capacity as an advisor to the Jokpro 2024 movement, of course, I welcome any form of political consolidation," explained Qodari.

Qodari is aware of the idea of Jokpro or Jokowi Prabowo pairing up in 2024 as well as the process of amendments to the Constitution, namely from 2 terms to 3 terms.

"Well, about how the election is postponed to 2026 or 2027, this itself definitely needs an amendment as well. Because the presidential term of office in the Constitution has already been set for 5 years, so if you want an addition, I think there must be an amendment too," he said.

"So when we talk about Jokowi's government or Jokowi moving forward again, in my opinion, through amendments, for example, it is extended," he explained.

However, Qodari tends to disagree if the government period is extended to 2026 or 2027. Because he said, the additional period of government must gain legitimacy from the community. In a sense, it must be a community decision.

"And in my opinion, the decision must be taken in the form we know, yes, elections," he said.

According to Qodari, the election provides an opportunity for the people to choose their leader.

"And let the public decide whether Jokowi and whoever his running mate will be given the opportunity or not. So Jokowi's decision is extended or not, it's up to the people to decide," said Qodari.

Qodari said the process of adding the presidential term of office and extending the term of government was decided by the MPR through the Constitution.

"So, indeed, the decision to make changes according to the Constitution is through an amendment to the MPR, not a referendum by the public, and after the regulation regarding the 3rd period is ratified, then the next process is the election," he said.

As the initiator of Jokpro, Qodari wants polarization in society to be minimized by the unification of Jokowi and Prabowo in the 2024 presidential election. Moreover, now that the coalition is getting fatter, it will certainly make it easier for Jokowi to win in the upcoming elections.

"For myself, because the Jokpro 2024 idea is to eliminate or minimize extreme polarization and scenarios from voting to violence from elections to violence, then those with a coalition of 8 pairs of Jokowi Prabowo will leave the box empty so that political tension will greatly decrease," said Qodari.

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