SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government launched the Social Assistance Proposal application which can be accessed via the page to anticipate residents who are left behind in receiving social assistance.

"So, this application is very simple and very easy for residents to access," said Head of the Surabaya Communications and Information Office (Diskominfo) M. Fikser quoted by Antara, Friday, August 27.

The application is a request from the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, for Diskominfo to make an application where residents can propose themselves or their families and relatives who they feel they really need and have not received any assistance at all.

Through this application, he continued, residents can propose themselves or propose others, starting from relatives or neighbors who really need it and so far have not received assistance from the government.

"This application can be used by residents starting tomorrow (28/8). So tomorrow residents can propose," he said.

According to Fikser, to propose social assistance, residents simply go to the page: then a service for submitting proposals for social assistance recipients (bansos) will appear.

Next, you can scroll down to fill out the beneficiary proposal form. Then, please fill in the actual proposal for the recipient of social assistance, starting from the reporting ID, name of the reporter, telephone number/WhatsApp of the reporting party, and the email of the reporting party. Then fill in the data on the proposal of the recipient of the assistance.

"In the data on the proposal for assistance recipients, among those that must be filled in are the proposed KTP sub-district and the reason for needing assistance. After all are filled in then click send. Automatically, this proposal will enter the sub-district dashboard. Then 1x24 hours the sub-district and village heads will verify the the proposal that came in," he said.

In carrying out the verification, he said, the sub-district and village heads will see how worthy these residents are to receive assistance, because the verification will be through digital and field. If during the verification it turns out that the citizen is entitled to assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the citizen will be entered into the MBR (Low Income Community) data, and will be proposed to receive assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"After the data is entered into the Ministry of Social Affairs, there must be a process first. Therefore, while waiting for the process from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the guardian wants the residents to first receive assistance from the Surabaya City Government in the form of basic necessities that we have distributed several times," said Fikser.

He detailed the distribution of aid that the Surabaya City Government had distributed to residents, ranging from street vendors, pedicab drivers, tire repairmen, orphans who were victims of COVID-19, and several other residents affected by COVID-19.

The distribution of basic food assistance in July was 9,220 people, in August the first phase (August 3-13) was 11,095 people, and August the second phase (August 13-19) was 9,946 people.

"So far, we have distributed a lot of basic food assistance to residents, especially people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

Therefore, he appealed to residents to use this application as well as possible. He hopes that this application is not made a joke, because it will be a pity for the officers who will check or verify in the field.

"Please use this application to help and help other people. If there are neighbors on the right and left who have not received social assistance so far, they can be used to help. Hopefully friends who can access this, will not be used to harm or make people others become lost or difficult, this is access to be able to help others," he said.

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