DEPOK - The City Government (Pemkot) through the Depok Satpol PP removed a mural that reads "God I'm Hungry" on Jalan Kartini Raya, Pancoranmas, Depok. Head of Depok City Satpol PP N Lienda Ratnanurdianny said the actions taken by his party were in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 16 of 2012 concerning public order.

“For Regional Regulation 16 there are also provisions regarding public order. The layout of the city's beauty should not be scribbled. If you really want to convey your aspirations, just convey them wisely, well, don't scribble on the walls," said Lienda when confirmed, Friday, August 27.

Lienda explained that Satpol PP also received reports from residents about the contents of images or murals that were considered disturbing. That's why it was assisted by the security forces to take action by deleting the image.

"So it must be deleted because the first one is not allowed to doodle, the second is also disturbing the content. You can scribble if you have permission. That's from the community as well as complaints," he said.

According to him, it is permissible to make murals or other pictures on the walls, but all of them must have a permit. He also admitted that there are no rules in the Depok City Regional Regulation number 16 regarding public order that regulates the content or content of images.

"The Regional Regulation does not regulate content, but indeed anything if you want to criticize the government, please do it but do it wisely, don't scribble or damage other people's things," he said.

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