MEDAN - The plan to purchase a new official car for the Regent of Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas), North Sumatra, Dosmar Banjarnahor has drawn controversy. Various reactions arose as a result of the plan.

Responding to the polemic, Regent Dosmar said he had canceled the purchase of the official car that had been budgeted for

He considered, currently the existing official car is still quite decent.

"I have ordered the Regional Secretary to cancel the purchase and divert it to other activities, especially to deal with the pandemic," said Dosmar in Medan, Friday, August 27.

Dosmar explained that the budgeting for the new official car was carried out while he was on campaign leave.

"So, so that it doesn't become a polemic, the official car budgeting is done while I am on election leave," he explained.

Dosmar continued, the existing cars are still quite suitable for use. That's why he personally said that changing the official car was not urgent.

"We're used to it, even though the current car is still below other districts, but for me it's enough. We're also ordinary people, so it's not important to change cars when people are having a hard time," he continued.

Regarding the polemics that have arisen, Dosmar is reluctant to speculate on the existence of parties who deliberately aggravate the situation.

"I'm not going to talk about unimportant things, if anything, let it be their business because our business is focused on working and getting people out of the pandemic and poverty," said Dosmar.

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