JAKARTA - Agung Mozin said his resignation from the Ummat Party had been approved by the Shura Council.

He admitted that he had read the letter of response to his resignation which was signed by the Secretary of the Shura Council. But according to him, the reply letter was not as professional as a political party should be.

"I think it was too rushed, maybe because of panic. I don't know for sure that the letter is not a standard letter for a formal organization," Agung told VOI, Friday, August 27.

Agung explained that the letter of response to his resignation did not have the official stamp of the Ummat Party. He also suggested that the party led by Ridho Rahmadi would be more professional in the future.

"The letter is not numbered and then the letter is not stamped. This is one way to be more professional in managing the party," he said.

Regarding the response of the Chairman of the Shura Council, Amien Rais, Agung admitted that he did not know. What is certain, he said, is that his resignation letter has reached the general chairman.

"I don't know, but for sure I have sent my PDF (letter of resignation, ed) to the general chairman. What is certain will have been submitted to Pak Amien because he is still in Jakarta," he explained.

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