JAKARTA - Secretary of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta Regional Representative Council (DPRD), Pandapotan Sinaga, urged the DKI Provincial Government to immediately continue the construction of the Jakarta Light Rail Transit (LRT) phase II.

Pandapotan asked the Regional-owned Enterprise (BUMD) PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) to finalize a study on the continuation of the phase II LRT construction. Because, according to him, the Kelapa Gading-Velodrome Rawamangun route is too short.

"We ask that the phase II LRT be continued. Don't just stop at Kelapa Gading-Velodrome and we will push for progress and studies", said Pandapotan in his statement, Thursday, August 26.

Pandapotan assessed that the LRT as a mode of public transportation must meet the transportation needs of residents. Unfortunately, so far the Kelapa Gading-Velodrome LRT is still low on enthusiasts.

"If the LRT is only as long as from Kelapa Gading to Rawamangun (Velodrome), I don't think the benefits will be maximized", said Pandapotan.

Furthermore, currently, the Phase II LRT must change the route from the original plan, namely Velodrome-Dukuh Atas, the route coincides with the east-west MRT project that will be worked on by the government.

Although in the end the Phase II LRT route must be adjusted, said Pandapotan, PT Jakpro must be in line with the spirit of the central government and the DKI Provincial Government in an effort to overcome the problem of congestion in the city's supporting city routes.

Therefore, Pandapotan encourages PT Jakpro to finalize a study on the constraints of the intersection of the integrated Moda Raya (MRT) development lane, so that the construction of the LRT can be ideal and beneficial for the community.

"So, the construction of this LRT should not only calculate the profit and loss but the benefits for the community at large. Because this is the responsibility of the government (central and regional) to provide the facilities", said Pandapotan.

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