PALEMBANG - A train driver headed for Lahat-Sukacinta, South Sumatra, was injured when he was stoned.

Public Relations Manager of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Regional Division III Aida Suryanti explained, the driver on behalf of Joni Iskandar was hit by a stone when the train passed at KM 425 + 8 plots of Lahat - Sukacinta road while escorting Lok 201 8341 on KA 3770.

The driver suffered serious injuries to his forehead and right temple as a result of being hit by a rock and stuck in a broken glass.

"As a result, KA 3770 is an empty train that transports fuel and had a BLB (Extraordinary Stop) at KM 425 +8 plots of Lahat - Sukacinta road to drop Joni off to receive treatment at the nearest hospital, Aida said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 26.

KAI deeply regrets this incident, because the result of a fad act or maybe it was intentionally fatal.

Currently, the KAI security team is trying to find the perpetrators of the throwing in collaboration with the Police.

"We urge people around the railroad tracks to participate in maintaining the safety of train travel," he said.

KAI has also intensified socialization of the dangers of throwing, especially among teenagers and children around the rail line, because this act is very dangerous for train travel.

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