JAKARTA - The Indonesian Safari Park (TSI), Cisarua, Bogor, is still allowed to operate even though other tourist attractions are not.

Bogor Regent Ade Yasin said the main reason why TSI is still operating is because it is a place for animal conservation. Moreover, TSI does not receive assistance from the central government.

"So they find it difficult to feed them and the hospital costs are quite high," explained Ade Yasin when visiting a conservation agency located in the Puncak area, Cisarua, Bogor Regency, Antara, Thursday, August 26.

There are a number of requirements that TSI management needs to comply with while operating in the midst of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). For example, only opening a safari journey ride and a place to eat for visitors.

"Those that are closed, such as waterfalls, swimming pools, gathering places such as rides for performances are still not allowed to operate. Only safari journeys," said Ade Yasin.

Provisions regarding the opening for wildlife conservation are regulated through Bogor Regent Decree Number 443/408/Kpts/Per-UU/2021 regarding the implementation of PPKM level 3 on August 24-30 2021.

The Regent's decree also stipulates several other easings, such as allowing face-to-face learning (PTM), allowing 100 percent operation for essential sector industries with a two-shift work system, and implementing Liga 1 at the Pakansari Stadium.

Then, eating on the spot is allowed with a maximum time of 30 minutes for food stall visitors, construction can operate 100 percent, sports training activities to prepare for PON XX and PORPROV IV West Java can be carried out.

Furthermore, sports facilities in open spaces are allowed to be opened provided that the number of people is 50 percent of the maximum capacity, public transportation is enforced with a maximum capacity setting of 70 percent, and wedding receptions can be held with a maximum of 20 invitations and do not hold meals on the spot.

Meanwhile, General Manager of TSI Bogor, Emeraldo Parengkuan, said that Taman Safari Indonesia was opened to the public on Wednesday, August 25, although the number of visitors was still minimal.

"Yes, starting today (operating). There are still a few (number of visitors), we also don't want a big promo," said Aldo.

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