JAKARTA - Member of the PDIP faction of the DPR RI, Ahmad Basarah, said that his party proposed that the nomenclature of the Pancasila Ideology Policy Bill (HIP) be changed to the Pancasila Ideology Development Bill (RUU PIP).

Responding to this, PKS Faction Secretary Ledia Hanifa Amalia asked the PDIP to take concrete action as evidence of reducing the HIP Bill polemic. This is because the proposal for a name change is suspected to have experienced many rejections from a number of mass organizations and other factions. As a result, the implementation of the discussion of the HIP Bill is currently postponed.

"If you want to delete or change or replace, it must be done in the deliberation process of the bill, if there is already a presidential letter assigning ministries or agencies to be able to discuss the bill," said Ledia when contacted, Sunday, June 28.

"He (Basarah) has his position in the DPR. Later, when a presidential letter is issued and it begins to be discussed, it will be proven by providing official notes for changes," he continued.

As for the matter of several material changes proposed by PDIP, Ledia did not want to comment much. As is known, PDIP said that the change in the name of the PIP Bill would not make articles that interpret the philosophy of Pancasila principles into legal norms.

Then, the PIP Bill only discusses the legal umbrella that can regulate the authority, duties and functions of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) in conducting the development of the nation's ideology. Ledia said that PKS refused to have the final Pancasila composition tampered with in the bill.

"The attitude of the PKS was clear from the start," he said.

For information, the HIP Bill was supported by 7 out of 9 factions and ratified as an initiative bill in a plenary meeting on May 12. In the meeting minutes document dated 22 April on the official website dpr.go.id, it was noted that the Democrat Party faction did not participate in the discussion of the draft which ended in this polemic.

Meanwhile, the PKS Faction agrees with the note that this bill must include the provisions of the TAP MPRS Number XXV / MPRS / 1966 concerning the dissolution of the Indonesian Communist Party and the Prohibition of Any Activities to Spread and Develop Communism / Marxism-Leninism.

"Based on the opinion of the factions (F-PDI Perjuangan, F-PG, F-PGerindra, F-PNasdem, F-PKB, F-PAN, and F-PPP) accept Panja's work and approve the Bill on the Path of Pancasila Ideology. further processed in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, "wrote the minutes of the meeting document.

Although initially agreed, the PAN faction decided to withdraw their support after the polemic of this law took place in the community. They asked that this draft be removed from the national legislation program.

A number of these articles have drawn criticism. Many parties consider the discussion of the draft legislation not necessary to continue, because this bill is deemed unnecessary by the public.

Finally, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said the government had decided to postpone the discussion of the HIP Bill. The government, said Mahfud, asked the DPR to have more dialogue and absorb more aspirations from the public regarding the draft law.


However, the rejection of the HIP Bill has a long tail, even though the discussion of the RUU proposed by the Indonesian Parliament has been postponed. A group of masses calling themselves the National Anti-Communism Alliance approached the Indonesian Parliament to reject the discussion of the HIP Bill. The demonstration was marked by the burning of the hammer and sickle flag which is identical to the symbol of communism.

The masses suspected that the HIP Bill would accommodate the rise of the PKI. The reason was that the MPRS TAP Number XXV / MPRS / 1966 on communism was not included, as well as the trisila concept which became one of the articles in the Draft Law on HIP which was considered the embodiment of Bung Karno's nationalist, religious and communist (nasakom) concepts.

Not only demonstrations, the official website of the DPR RI dpr.go.id was hacked by an unknown group that rejected the discussion of the HIP Bill. The official site cannot be accessed for about 4 hours.

On that basis, PDIP, as one of the proposers for the Draft Law on HIP, again proposed a change in nomenclature to the PIP Bill. Basarah said that the preliminary results of the draft HIP Bill were considered to be errors and shortcomings should be considered as something normal.

Therefore, Basarah said that currently PDIP is currently following up on criticism, suggestions and opinions of the wider community, including from MUI, PBNU, Muhammadiyah, retired TNI / Polri and other elements of society.

"A bill that does not only fulfill the principle of formal legality but also fulfills the legitimacy principle of the wider community as well as fulfills a solid legal need for the task and fostering of the nation's ideology," said Basarah.

Member of the PDIP faction of the DPR RI, Ahmad Basarah. (Photo: State University of Malang)

For information, the contents of Article 7 of the Draft Law on HIP in question are as follows:

Paragraph (1) The main characteristics of Pancasila are justice and social welfare with a family spirit which is a combination of the principles of divinity, humanity, unity, democracy / political and economic democracy in one unit.

Paragraph (2) The main characteristics of Pancasila are in the form of trisila, namely: socio-nationalism, socio-democracy, as well as cultural divinity.

Paragraph (3) Trisila as referred to in paragraph (2) is crystallized in ekasila, namely mutual cooperation.

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