JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, has a personal view that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan should not force the Formula E title. Given that the COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing.

"For me, this is my personal statement, not on behalf of the institution. In a COVID-19 pandemic situation like this, I actually think more about what to do in the future, (Formula E) should not be too forced," Prasetio told reporters, Thursday, August 26.

Pras, as he is known, said that currently the regional budget is in deficit. The pandemic requires the government to spend more specifically on dealing with COVID-19. Moreover, the current regional revenue is jammed.

"This pandemic situation, we are all tired, you know. Did the APBD budget run to COVID. So where does the money come from? There are a lot of developments that cannot be built. We are in a budget deficit," said Pras.

On that occasion, Pras also responded to the plan to apply for an interpellation right related to Formula E which was launched by a number of DPRD members. Currently, the initiator of the interpellation rights is gathering other board members to join the filing.

This member of the PDIP Faction admitted that he could not intervene in anything related to the proposed interpellation right. He just waited for the interpellation conditions to be met, before deciding to hold an interpellation plenary meeting by summoning Anies.

"My position is just to accept it. I can't interfere with my internal friends in the PDIP. So, it depends if there is a quorum, so do it. If not, then it won't be implemented," he said.

Currently, the plan for the Formula E title is still being debated. After experiencing delays since 2020, Formula E is again planned to be held in 2022. This is stated in the Governor's Instruction (Ingub) Number 49 of 2021 concerning the Settlement of Regional Priority Issues for 2021-2022.

In this instruction, there are 28 issues that are the targets of achieving the completion of regional priority issues in 2021-2022. One of the issues on the list is the implementation of Formula E.

However, a number of DPRD members refused to implement Formula E because it could potentially harm the regional budget. Several board members plan to apply for an interpellation right to Anies regarding Formula E.

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