JAKARTA - Various cases of misappropriation of funds from cooperative members or customers are often caused by weak government supervision and the management's bad intentions from the start. Therefore, all cooperative managers usually run away or are on the run.
However, what happened to the Indosurya Cipta Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) was considered different. The intention of the founder of the KSP, Henry Surya, to find a solution to the problem of member / prospective member funds, is something that should be appreciated.
Researcher of The Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), Eko Listiyanto, appreciates Henry Surya's move in good faith to return customer funds. The decision to postpone the debt payment obligation (PKPU) at the Central Jakarta District Court, which rejected the lawsuit against Henry, is also evidence that members or customers have not misused funds to the person concerned.
"If there is goodwill from the owner, that's good because there is a settlement. There are not many cooperative cases where the owner is willing to replace them, usually," Eko said in a statement quoted on Sunday, June 28.
Eko explained, in the supervision of the many cooperatives, the role of the government was not optimal. In fact, Eko said, cooperatives are the same as banking, namely managing customer funds. The founder's guarantee, as in the Indosurya problem, is a different phenomenon from the case of other cooperatives.
According to him, there must be a win win solution because cooperatives are basically members. So, it is appropriate if there is good faith from the shareholders or major controlling shareholders to resolve a problem peacefully.
Damaging Business ImagePreviously, the founder of Indosurya Cipta Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) Henry Surya denied accusations that he had abandoned the cooperative's customers' savings funds for personal purposes. The accusation not only dropped his credibility but also his family. This is considered as slander and defamation committed by certain parties.
He suspects that the issue was raised by a number of parties to Indosurya, as if it was intended to damage the image of the Indosurya group. Meanwhile, Henry Surya's attorney, Hendra Widjaya expressed his appreciation and several things related to the rejection of the PKPU application by the panel of judges submitted by customers against the defendant Henry Surya or Indosurya Cipta.
According to him, that the PKPU petition in person was clearly intentional and seemed to have been made by the PKPU applicant to discredit Henry. At trial it was proven that no money went to Henry Surya's personal account but to the Indosurya Cooperative account. The PKPU applicant cannot prove that the person concerned deposited money into the PKPU respondent's account.
"So, it is right to be rejected for the second time based on Article 8 paragraph 4 of Law Number 37/2004 of the Bankruptcy Law," explained Hendra.
In addition, Hendra emphasized that the Indosurya Cooperative has a permit so that it cannot be said to be fake. This is because the license is registered at the Ministry of Cooperatives with Number 430 / BH / XII.1 / 1.829.31 / 11/2012. Then, the founder and former Chairman of the KSP Indosurya Management has a strong economy and a background of decades of good business.
"Well, the majority (members) support peace and our clients clearly have good faith towards all members of the Indosurya KSP. Imagine if they go bankrupt, all members will suffer a lot, money will not return, all will not get anything. So let's support PKPU peacefully. , "he explained.
Reject LawsuitThis week, the Central Jakarta Commercial Court for the second time, rejected the claim for postponement of debt payment obligations (PKPU) filed by Etty Sutjisari (petitioner) to Henry Surya (the respondent) who is also the former Chairman of KSP Indosurya Cipta. At the trial on Wednesday, June 26, the panel of judges consisting of Robert, Made Sukereni, and Desbenneri Sinaga decided to reject the lawsuit against Henry Surya in the case 130 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2020 / PN Niaga Jkt.Pst.
Meanwhile, regarding cooperative management, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) plans to classify KSP based on their core capital. This was done to facilitate the supervision and guidance of hundreds of KSP in Indonesia.
"We propose that it is like banking, so there are cooperatives that are included in book I, book II book III and book IV, depending on the size of the cooperative," said the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Teten Masduki in a joint meeting with Commission VI DPR RI, Thursday, June 25.
Teten admitted that his ministry is indeed weak in terms of supervision because the capacity and number of human resources (HR) as well as offices in branches in various regions are inadequate. Future improvements, including grouping of cooperatives based on capital, will be carried out.
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