JAKARTA - Five out of 10 cultural heritage sites in Tulungagung Regency, East Java are confirmed to have obtained land certificates, so it is hoped that there will be minimal risk of conflict with the surrounding community. Miri Gambar Temple, Arya Jeding Site and Ampel Temple," said Head of the General Section of the East Java Cultural Conservation Preservation Center, Kuswanto, in Tulungagung, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, August 26. The site certificates can later be processed so that the management by BPCB can be optimal because there is no risk of friction with residents or other parties. The five sites that have not been certified are Penampihan Temple, Mbah Bodo Site, Tulungrejo Site, Sand Cave Site, and Dadi Temple "Our application was made with several cultural heritage sites in other areas (in East Java, ed.). It's gradual and takes turns," he said. In the East Java area, he continued, there are 96 cultural heritages that have been included in the inventory. Of that number, only 66 already have a right of use certificate. "The certificate is in the name of the Indonesian government cq the Ministry of Education and Culture," he said.
He explained, before obtaining the certificate, each of these cultural heritage buildings must be included in the inventory list first. The management of this certificate is one of BPCB's efforts to protect cultural heritage assets administratively. With this certificate they can fully manage and renovate cultural heritage buildings. . So far, the status of the land where a cultural heritage building is built has often become a polemic. "If there is a certificate like this, it is relatively easy to manage, besides that we also avoid conflicts related to land status," he said. Kuswanto said that every year there are four cultural heritages proposed by BPCB Trowulan to be certified.
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