In The New Normality, Pertamina's New Fuel Sales Raised 10 Percent
Pertamina Gas Station Officer (Photo: Pertamina Public Relations)

JAKARTA - Pertamina's sales of fuel oil (BBM) in the new normal since June 8 are still fairly sluggish. Where Pertamina's fuel sales have only increased by 10 percent when compared to normal conditions.

Meanwhile, Pertamina's fuel sales are currently at 114 thousand KL per day. Meanwhile, under normal conditions Pertamina usually sells as much as 135 thousand KL of BBM per day.

"If during the PSBB, fuel consumption in general has decreased by around 26%, currently the decline has decreased to around 16% compared to the normal average consumption," said Pertamina's Vice President for Corporate Communications, Fajriyah Usman in an official statement, Jakarta, Saturday, June 27.

According to him, this increase occurred in gasoline and gasoil due to the re-operation of public transportation facilities, private vehicles, industry and offices that were back in operation. He agreed that the operation of a number of places had not returned normal sales.

He detailed, ahead of the second semester of 2020 with the new normal transition policy, gasoline consumption was recorded at 78.82 thousand KL while gasoil consumption reached 34.99 thousand KL.

"To boost sales levels as well as show the company's commitment in carrying out its duties to provide energy, Pertamina continues to distribute fuel to all corners of the country, so that all gas stations continue to operate to serve consumers during the PSBB, New Normal and Normal periods," he said.

According to Fajiryah, as a state-owned company, Pertamina has the mandate to maintain the oil and gas business ecosystem under any circumstances. Therefore, all Pertamina's businesses from upstream, processing to downstream continue to operate even though they have to face the COVID-19 pandemic and other global challenges.

"The economic recovery in a number of areas has not been evenly distributed. We are still monitoring the development of the Covid 19 pandemic. However, to ensure energy needs are met, Pertamina continues to provide fuel in all regions according to demand," he said.

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