JAKARTA - West Bandung Acting Regent Hengky Kurniawan denied reporting the inactive West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara, who is now entangled in a corruption case in the procurement of social assistance for COVID-19 response to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

When asked by Aa Umbara's attorney, he said that he often received negative issues related to his relationship with Aa. He clarified that this was not true.

"When I changed parties, it was also rumored that I changed parties so that Aa was arrested by the KPK, besides that I was rumored to be close to the KPK because I am from Jakarta," said Hengky when he was a witness at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, West Java, as reported by Antara, Wednesday. , August 25.

Aa Umbara's attorney Rizky Rizgantara said that his party received information that Hengky, before Aa was named a suspect, allegedly wanted to speed up Aa's case so that it went to the investigation stage.

Rizky also asked Hengky if Hengky knew a man named Asep Lukman. The reason, said Rizky, the information came from Asep Lukman.

"We want to go further because there are evidences and documents confiscated in the form of handwriting from Asep Lukman," said Rizky.

Rizky explained from this information, Asep Lukman had visited Aa Umbara in the presence of his son, Andri Wibawa, and another, namely Galuh Fauzi.

"He made a note as if the witness's brother (Hengky) encouraged Aa Umbara to quickly investigate and become a suspect so that you could become a regent," said Rizky.

"Asep Lukman's confession, the witness wants this case to quickly advance to the investigation stage?" asked Rizky.

Hengky denied this, but he admitted that he knew Asep Lukman. Hengky has known the man since he decided to run with Aa in the West Bandung Regency Pilkada.

"As far as I remember, Asep Lukman is a kind of director, he actually believes that Aa Umbara will be caught by the KPK," said Hengky.

During the trial, Hengky was also confirmed by the Panel of Judges regarding his involvement with the corruption case of Aa Umbara. He admitted that he was not involved in anything and was not part of the structure of the West Bandung COVID-19 Handling Task Force.

"I don't know (about the budget), I have never been invited to a meeting by the OPD (regional apparatus organization), nor do I know the budget," said Hengky.

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