SAMARINDA - President Joko Widodo directly inspected the starting point for the planned access road to the location of the new state capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan. The access point is located at Km 14 of the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road which the President passes on his way from Samarinda to Balikpapan.
"Because to build a new capital city, the most important thing is the infrastructure to get there first, to carry the logistics of development," Jokowi explained at the location quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 24.
President Jokowi conducted a joint review with the Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto and the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono. Jokowi discussed while looking at the map and seeing firsthand the conditions and the surrounding landscape with binoculars.
"Earlier, I was with the Minister of Defense, and the Minister of PUPR saw in detail the location. Earlier we discussed about where the port is, where is the airport. If we look at the field like this it will be easier," Jokowi continued.
Meanwhile, Defense Minister Prabowo told the President that the location of the new national capital is a strategic location.
Prabowo assessed that the relocation of the national capital had been carefully prepared through various studies and considerations.
"The Minister of Public Works has also assured that this is indeed a very mature preparation," Prabowo explained.

Meanwhile, East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor said the government and people of East Kalimantan are grateful to President Joko Widodo for establishing the starting point for the road to the location of the country's capital. This access will shorten the distance from Balikpapan to the nation's capital. "We must have done very well with the local government to support the community together. This area is a forest area and state land, so there is no problem with land," said Governor Isran.
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