BALIKPAPAN - The Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road section of the Manggar Toll Gate (GT) to Samboja GT will be operated without tariffs for 2 weeks, starting today at 14.00 WITA until 7 September.

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Balikpapan-Samboja toll road section as part of the Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road on Tuesday, August 24.

"Nevertheless, please keep your electronic money or toll card ready before entering the toll gate," said Jinto Sirait, President Director of PT Jasamarga Balikpapan-Samarinda (JBS).

The toll card is used to open the entry and exit barriers of toll roads by attaching it to the machine provided at the toll booth, but it will not reduce the balance, if the person concerned travels from GT Manggar and exits at GT Samboja, or vice versa.

However, if the person concerned continues the journey to the Simpang Pasir GT in Palaran, then the driver will be charged the applicable tariff for the Samboja-Palaran route.

And vice versa, which is IDR 75,000 for Category I vehicles. Or if the person concerned exits at the Mahkota 2 to Manggar toll gate, or vice versa, he will be charged a tariff of IDR 83,500 for Class I, the current tariff for the Samboja section -Crown Bridge Intersection.

Jinto Sirait added that with the operation of Sections 1 and 5, the Karang Joang GT at Km 13 Soekarno-Hatta Road and the Manggar GT at Mulawarman Road were also operating.

In this way, Jinto hopes that the Balikpapan-Samarinda section of the Balikpapan-Samboja toll road can be utilized optimally while still complying with applicable regulations and signs.

The Balikpapan-Samarinda toll road has a total length of 97.27 Km and is divided into five sections, namely Section 5 of the Manggar-Karang Joang Section (10.74 Km), Section 1 of the Karang Joang-Samboja Section (21.66 Km), Section 2. Samboja-Muara Jawa (30.98 Km), Section 3 of the Muara Jawa-Palaran Section (17.30 Km) and Section 4 of Palaran-SS Mahkota II (16.59 Km).

This toll road is equipped with two type A rest areas managed by PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB), each rest area is located at Km 37 towards Balikpapan and Km 36 towards Samarinda or on the west and east sides of the road.

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