JAKARTA - A modern shopping center or mall in Palembang City, South Sumatra, is starting to fully operate normally, after only being open for the past month.

This is the impact of implementing the Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) policy.

Marketing Communications for Palembang Square Mall and PSX, Intan Indirayana explained that all shops in this mall have begun to open to serve the public.

"We welcome the policy of extending PPKM Level 4 which allows malls to operate normally by implementing strict health protocols (prokes)," he said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 24.

The mall, which is under the management of PT Lippo Mall Indonesia (LMI), seeks to give the residents of Pempek a chance to fulfill their various needs in accordance with the provisions from 10.00 to 20.00 WIB.

While waiting for the Palembang City Government circular letter, his party operated the mall based on the Ministry of Home Affairs, namely the implementation of eating/drinking activities in public places such as food stalls/warteg, street vendors, hawker stalls and the like were allowed to open with strict health protocols, wear masks, wash hands, hand sanitizer, whose technical arrangement is regulated by the local government.

Restaurants/restaurants and cafes with small, medium or large scale, both in separate locations and those located in shopping centers/malls can serve dine-in/dining in and are limited to operating hours until 20.00 local time, with a capacity of 25 visitors. percent, two people per table and receive take-away/delivery/take-away meals with the implementation of health protocols.

Facing an increase in the number of visitors, especially on weekends, his party has alerted security officers at several entrances to regulate the number of visitors according to the maximum limit of PPKM provisions and apply health protocols (Prokes) to anticipate COVID-19 transmission. Previously, Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo asked mall owners to obey the rules. limiting the number of visitors to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in conditions of extension of PPKM.

Managers of malls and supermarkets are asked to pay more attention to health protocols in their places of business, especially implementing social distancing rules by regulating visitors to 50 percent of the building's capacity and maximum operating hours until 20.00 WIB.

If the mall and supermarket managers do not comply with the implementation of procedures and operating hours, they will be subject to sanctions in the form of fines and administrative sanctions in accordance with Perwali Number 27 of 2020.

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