JAKARTA – HK, 25 years old. This man could only regret his actions after the joint team of Jatanras Polres Metro Central Jakarta and Polsek Johar Baru arrested him. Together with two of his colleagues, MY (39) and BP (31), HK was brought to the command because they were suspected of being the mastermind behind the Johar Baru brawl.

"Instantly the fights are out of revenge. Just join the fights out of solidarity, because the ones who died (Indramayu victims) were our (senior) brothers. Our seniors," said the man who was a bus singer everyday.

HK admitted that previously the villages of Paris and Balarama had no problems. However, HK and his friends admitted that on the basis of solidarity, they did a brawl.

"There is no problem. Just solidarity," said HK.

Meanwhile, another brawler with the initials MY (39) admitted that he was only taking revenge for the deaths of residents in his area who died because they broke up the brawl.

"Just revenge for yesterday's problem, one person died because he was beaten," said the small man.

MY admitted that the frequent brawls in his area had been going on for a long time. The problem of the commotion, MY did not know the exact cause.

"The brawl has been going on for a long time but I don't know what the problem is. I just joined recently, when there was a victim. Last night at 10 o'clock (brawl), it didn't take long," he said.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator with the initials BP (31) admitted that he had only participated in a brawl once. The man who has tattoos all over his body joins the brawl to support friendship only.

"It's just because of solidarity. Everyday singing in Sunter," he said.

The Head of the Johar Baru Police, Kompol Edison, confirmed that the motive for the brawl in Paris, Johar Baru, was based on the vengeance of the perpetrators.

"They are fighting because of revenge for the previous problem. We are still developing it, we will secure the other perpetrators again," he told VOI, Monday, August 23.

From the results of the police examination, it was found that all three were positive for using methamphetamine. In order to account for their actions, the three perpetrators were charged with the law related to narcotics abuse.

"After we checked and tested urine, the three perpetrators were positive for using methamphetamine drugs," he said.

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