LAMPUNG - The Lampung Provincial Health Office (Dinkes) noted that there had been a daily addition of 250 confirmed positive COVID-19 cases.

"There are 250 daily positive additions to COVID-19," said Head of the Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana in a written statement in Bandarlampung, Antara, Monday, August 23.

With this addition, the cumulative cases in Lampung became 44,955 from the previous 44,705 cases. "The additions come from 14 regencies and cities in Lampung," he said.

Details of the addition of COVID cases, namely, Bandarlampung City 62 people, Metro 20 people, South Lampung Regency 23 people, Waykanan 10 people, East Lampung 12 people, West Lampung 11 people, Mesuji 3 people, and Tanggamus 21 people.

Furthermore, in North Lampung Regency there were 13 positive cases of COVID-19, in Central Lampung there were 26 cases, West Tulang Bawang 3 cases, Pringsewu 25 cases, Pesawaran 18 cases, and West Coast 3 cases.

He said the addition was not only in positive cases but also in deaths of 38 people. This brings the total number of deaths from COVID-19 to 3,363 cases.

The details of the death cases are in Pringsewu Regency as many as 4 people, Pesawaran 2 people, North Lampung 3 people, Central Lampung 12 people, Mesuji 2 people.

Then in Tanggamus Regency there were 3 cases of death, East Lampung 2 cases, West Lampung 1 case, South Lampung 4 cases, Waykanan 1 case, and in Bandar Lampung City 4 cases.

"In addition to positive confirmed cases of COVID-19, there are also additional suspected cases where there are 40 new cases and 555 people are being monitored, bringing a total of 595 suspected cases," he said.

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