JAKARTA - Hundreds of applicants for Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra (Sumsel) filed a rebuttal because they did not pass the administrative stage.

The Head of the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) OKU Mirdaili, explained that the 2021 CPNS recruitment in this area entered the stage of an online administrative refutation.

During the rebuttal period, there were 500 applicants from various formations who filed objections because they did not pass the administration.

"There are about 500 applicants who have filed objections," he said in Baturaja, reported by Antara, Monday, August 23.

Hundreds of applicants who did not pass the administrative selection, mostly due to mistakes when uploading diplomas.

When completing the CPNS registration file, he said, applicants only upload the front diploma, while the back sheet is not attached.

"For the results of the rebuttal, we are still waiting for instructions from the Central BKN," he said. Mirdaili added, in this year's employee recruitment, OKU Regency received a quota of 322 CPNS and PPPK in 2021 which was officially opened until July 16, 2021 online at the htt://sscasn portal. bkn.go.id.

The recapitulation of the CPNS and PPPK formations in 2021 includes 119 teacher PPK, 64 CPNS health workers, and 86 health PPK, 49 CPNS technical personnel and 14 PPK technical personnel.

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