MEDAN - Several street vendors in the area of Ngumban Surbakti Street, Medan Selayang Subdistrict, Medan City have arrested a man suspected of circulating counterfeit money (upal).

The man is suspected of using counterfeit bills of Rp. 100,000 to buy durian from a trader.

An eye witness, Eben Sembiring said that he had seen the perpetrators come and buy durian. The perpetrator, said the witness, acted alone.

"When I was given the money, I still saw it. I didn't notice that I was suddenly arrested and pinned (strangled) like that", said Eben, Monday, August 23.

Furthermore, said Eeben, the victim screamed for help. When approached, he found out the man was using counterfeit money.

"The victim who sold durian asked me for help, I came, I thought what was wrong, it turned out to be counterfeit money", he said.

When arrested, the witness stated that the perpetrator had fought back. The perpetrator had thrown the counterfeit money into the bushes.

"I helped catch him, resisted. Then people came. The 100 thousand notes were thrown across the bush, we looked for them, got them. In his pocket, checked, there are 3 pieces of 10 thousand notes", he said.

The witness stated that currently the perpetrator has been detained at the Sunggal Police Station.

"Because the crowd was getting more and more crowded, I asked my friends to call the Sunggal Police to secure the perpetrators", he said.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sunggal Police, AKP Budiman Simanjuntak confirmed the incident. Currently, they have arrested the perpetrators.

"It's true, we still have the perpetrators in custody", said Budiman, confirmed by VOI, Monday, August 23.

Budiman did not reveal the incident in detail. Currently, they are still investigating the case.

"We'll see later, but it's still under investigation", said Budiman.

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