JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is back in the spotlight. The reason is that this anti-graft organization received red ponten from Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and Transparency International Indonesia (TII) regarding their performance after being led by Firli Bahuri, cs.

ICW and TII issued an evaluation of the performance of corruption eradication from December 2019 or since the five KPK leaders were appointed until this June. As a result, the KPK is now entering a very grim period according to these two institutions. However, this gloom was not just present.

According to ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana, the gloomy stretch of corruption eradication by the KPK occurred because of the weakening process carried out by the President and the DPR throughout 2019.

"The results of all the efforts of the President and the DPR are slowly starting to show. The KPK is now only an institution for eradicating corruption that is no longer trusted by the public," said Kurnia, Thursday, June 25.

This anti-corruption activist highlighted the leadership of the five KPK leaders in the 2019-2023 period. He said the anti-graft agency was led by five people whose policies often caused controversy in the community and made the organizational governance process problematic.

He also assessed that the KPK's performance in the Firli leadership era was the most problematic compared to previous eras. "I don't think the KPK has messed up this much and never before has public trust fallen," he said.

Kurnia explained, in terms of prosecution, ICW and TII assessed that the prosecution efforts carried out by the KPK decreased drastically and often caused polemics in the community.

He said, in the era of Firli Bahuri's leadership, the KPK had only carried out two arrests (OTT) times. Even though during the period of Agus Rahardjo cs, after six months of being inaugurated, there were six silent operations carried out.

"Is this shocking enough for the public? Not really, because since the beginning the five people who were currently serving as KPK leaders were five people who never talked further about prosecution. In fact, these five people were five people who agreed with the revision of the KPK Law. "explained Kurnia.

In addition, the KPK in the current period has produced many fugitives. He said that he recorded several fugitives from the KPK. However, two of them, former MA Secretary Nurhadi and his son-in-law Riezky Herbiyono have been arrested.

So that the remaining fugitives are Harun Masiku, Hiendra Soenjoto, Samin Tan, and a married couple, Sjamsul Nursalim and Itjih Nursalim. However, Kurnia assessed that the KPK is now less informing about the progress of the search for these fugitives.

"Therefore, it is important in the future to remind both the Commissioner of the Corruption Eradication Commission, or perhaps the KPK spokesman Pak Ali Fikri to update how the current search for Harun Masiku is still a problem," he said.

Kurnia also assessed that the Firli-era KPK tended not to investigate major cases. This is proven by the absence of significant developments, from cases that caused the state huge losses, such as the corruption case of the electronic KTP project, the alleged BLBI corruption case, to the alleged corruption of Century Bank.

In terms of prevention, Kurnia assessed that this function has not been carried out optimally. This is proven by the lack of coordination and supervision with law enforcement officials and local governments, the absence of a new strategy to prevent state financial losses, stagnation of corruption prevention programs in the strategic sector, and the ineffective national strategy for preventing corruption.

Furthermore, he highlighted the problem of the KPK's internal policy. There are several problems that it touches, namely internal policies which are judged based on subjectivity, closed public access to case developments, related to the termination of cases, to the many political games conducted by Firli Bahuri.

"Of course this shows the lack of knowledge from the KPK leadership to create good organizational governance," he said.

For all these problems, ICW and TII asked the KPK to fix the prosecution sector by ensuring objectivity and independence when investigating a case. Moreover, prosecution is one of the main instruments to provide a deterrent effect on perpetrators of corruption crimes.

Kurnia said that the KPK was also asked to integrate between prosecution and prevention and to find the right formula.

"In the part of organizational governance, the KPK leadership should minimize political games and prioritize the value of transparency and accountability in issuing a policy," he said.

KPK denies that prosecution has decreased

Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri will learn more about the evaluation questions from ICW and TII. Basically they appreciate the study. In fact, he said, the Corruption Eradication Commission was ready to invite these two institutions to provide direct explanations.

"If necessary, if needed, we will invite TII and ICW to present at the KPK. If there is erroneous data it can be corrected," said Ali in his written statement.

He explained that in the prosecution sector, anti-graft agencies had issued 30 investigation warrants with 36 suspects.

The details are the investigation into the case of the arrest operation (OTT) which dragged the KPU Commissioner and a number of other people, the Sidoarjo Regent OTT, the development of bribes against members of the North Sumatra DPRD, and the development of bribes to members of the Muara Enim DPRD. Furthermore, there is the development of a road procurement project case in Bengkali and an alleged corruption case at PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

"Then, the case with hundreds of billions of state financial losses. First, the Bengkalis case with a project value of Rp 2.5 trillion found an alleged state financial loss of Rp 475 billion. Second, the PT DI case alleged state losses of Rp 205.3 billion and USD 8. 65 million, "he said.

Over the past six months, said Ali, the KPK has detained 27 suspects including Nurhadi and Riezky Herbiyono. In addition, the KPK has deposited the proceeds of the fine and criminal compensation money in the state treasury amounting to Rp.63,068,521,381.

Prevention continues

In the field of prevention, Ali said, the KPK has carried out activities to suppress corruption in the strategic sector. One of them is monitoring the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He explained that there are several programs that have been carried out by the KPK to supervise the handling of this pandemic, such as coordinating with related ministries / agencies to the central and regional Task Forces, providing recommendations regarding the procurement of goods and services, to overseeing the distribution of social assistance.

As for the coordination of preventive supervision activities, the KPK has done this with the Indonesian Prosecutor's Office in an effort to rescue and recover assets. In addition, the KPK also continues to encourage ministries / agencies to the government to continue to improve compliance with LHKPN reporting.

Then, the KPK conducted a study and provided recommendations for improving the management of government programs such as the Pre-Employment Card and BPJS Health. Not only that, the Corruption Eradication Commission also encourages state officials to comply with reporting the receipt of gratuities.

"In the period January 1-January 25, the KPK has deposited gratification receipts to the state treasury for 379 SK gratification reports that have been determined as state property out of a total of 665 decrees issued. In the form of cash worth IDR 882,920,667, USD 7,587.44, SGD 951 77, 5,140 yen, and goods worth Rp. 65,639,340, "he concluded.

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