JAKARTA - Prophet Muhammad SAW never left the fast of Ayyamul Bidh. This sunnah fast is performed every 13th, 14th, and 15th of the Hijri month.

Based on the AD calendar, the Ayyamul Bidh fasting schedule starts today until the next Tuesday, which is August 22, 23, and 24.

In the hadith narrated by Imam An Nasai, it is explained how the Prophet always fasted on these dates.

"Rasulullah sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam used to fast on ayyamul bidh when not traveling or when traveling." (HR. Imam An Nasai number 2347).

The virtue of fasting Ayyamul Bidh is also narrated in several hadiths. Two of them are the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari from Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al' Ash and Ibn Milhan Al Qoisiy.

"Fasting three days in each month is like fasting all year round." (HR. Imam Bukhari).

"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam used to order us to fast on ayyamul bidh, namely 13, 14, and 15 (from the Hijri month)." And he said, "Fasting ayyamul bidh is like fasting for a year." (HR. Abu Daud no. 2449 and An Nasai no. 2434).

Here is the intention of fasting Ayyamul Bidh: "Nawaitu Sauma Ayyaamal Bidh Sunnatan Lillaahi Ta'ala."

Meaning: "I intend to fast Ayyamul Bidh, sunnah because of Allah ta'ala."

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