JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetio Edi Marsudi, responded to the plan to submit an interpellation of the members of the council to the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. If the interpellation has been proposed and held, Prasetio said that the DPRD will not only question the plan to organize Formula E.

However, Prasetio will also question a number of findings by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) related to the audit of the DKI financial dprd's report in 2020.

"The BPK audit still has many findings. The findings to be questioned are the rights of the council," Prasetio told reporters, Saturday, August 21.

Prasetio said that one of the BPK's findings that the DPRD will question is that the DKI Provincial Government had overpaid salaries and regional performance allowances (TKD) to DKI employees who retired until they died.

"That's why I will ask, why are WTPs but there are records. The BPK issued an audit, there were some excessive payments, there were people who died and were given salaries," he said.

Prasetio feels that it is the responsibility of the council members to ask the DKI Provincial Government for an explanation regarding the BPK's findings. This is because the use of regional budgets in the APBD is an accountability to the community.

"It doesn't mean that our interpellation will bring down the governor. No. This is the right to ask. We ask the governor, how come there are still findings in the BPK audit," said Prasetio.

"If for example this is true, what happened? We must also be responsible to the people who represent the people of Jakarta," he continued.

Furthermore, Prasetio said that the members of the council who initiated the right of interpellation were still collecting the signatures of other DPRD members to participate in filing the interpellation.

In DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Regulations of the DKI DPRD, the right of interpellation is proposed to the leadership of the DPRD. The form of the right of interpellation this time was a plenary meeting with Anies to question the reason why Formula E was maintained.

The condition is that the interpellation can be realized as long as it is signed by at least 15 council members and must be more than one faction.

Regarding BPK's findings, Head of DKI BPK Pemut Aryo Wibowo said there was an overpayment of salaries and regional performance allowances (TKD) or TPP worth Rp862,783,587 for 103 employees in 19 regional apparatus organizations (OPD) in 2020.

Pemut explained the details of the overpayment of salaries and TKD/TPP of DKI civil servants. First, there is one employee retiring as of January 1, 2020 but still receiving a salary of Rp. 6.3 million.

Fourth, there are 31 employees from 8 OPD who carry out learning tasks but still receive TKD/TPP. TKD/TPP given to employees who carry out these learning tasks are totaling Rp. 344.6 million.

Fifth, there are 2 employees who are subject to disciplinary punishment in the form of cutting their TKD/TPP by 20 percent for two months, but they still receive the full TKD/TPP. The non-deductible TKD/TPP for the disciplinary punishment caused an overpayment of Rp3.9 million.

Pemut said, a number of OPDs had returned the overpayment of salaries and TKD/TPP to the regional treasury, but only Rp. 200.9 million. Thus, there is still an overpayment of salaries and TKD/TPP of Rp.661,801,780.

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