JAKARTA - A former subordinate of former Social Minister Juliari P Batubara, Matheus Joko Santoso admitted following the wrong order in procuring COVID-19 Basic Food Social Assistance for the Jabodetabek area in April-December 2020.

"I realized that I carried out the wrong order so that I was involved in this corruption case. I deeply regret my mistake," said Matheus Joko at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) quoted by Antara, Friday, August 20.

In this case, Matheus Joko Santoso as the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for the COVID-19 Basic Food Social Assistance at the Ministry of Social Affairs was required to be sentenced to 8 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 400 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

Matheus is considered proven to be an intermediary for accepting bribes worth Rp. 32.482 billion from 109 companies providing social assistance for COVID-19 basic necessities. He was also required to pay compensation of Rp. 1.56 billion, subsidiary to 1 year in prison.

"I really have been cooperative by revealing the truth starting from the investigation process to the trial. I promise not to repeat it again with full awareness, I apologize profusely," said Joko.

He also apologized to his wife, children and the Ministry of Social Affairs who had been harmed by the case.

"I apologize to all Indonesian people, especially the Jabodetabek community as the beneficiaries of basic necessities," said Joko while sobbing.

Therefore, Matheus Joko asked for the fairest punishment and for the panel of judges to grant him the status of the perpetrator who cooperated with law enforcement (justice collaborator).

"Because after the inkraht verdict, I was dismissed as a civil servant at the Ministry of Social Affairs where I served. I am the backbone of a family with a 70-year-old mother, a wife and 2 children who are still in junior high school and a child who is still in grade I, grade 1, who still needs my attention. ," added Joko.

Matheus Joko said he still has the desire to serve the community after serving his sentence.

"I will dedicate the rest of my life to Indonesian citizens, to some neglected children, neglected residents, neglected elderly people. I ask the judges to consider this case fairly and wisely, may God help me," said Joko.

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