JAKARTA - The official news agency of North Korea (North Korea), KCNA, reported that North Korea decided to suspend military action plans against South Korea (South Korea). The KCNA also reported that there were suggestions that North Korean forces could lower the loudspeakers that were recently reinstated at the border.

The political tension between the two Koreas has increased because North Korea has been annoyed by the plans of defector groups in South Korea to send propaganda leaflets to North Korea, Wednesday, June 24. Talks over economic sanctions that have stalled over North Korea's nuclear weapons program have also fueled tensions between the two countries.

However, that tough attitude slowly softened. After blowing up the liaison office last week and cutting off communication channels with South Korea, North Korea has begun to reopen its communications.

Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un chaired the Central Military Commission meeting which was held via video conference. It explained that the military members considered the situation to be imposed before deciding to postpone military plans.

They also discussed a document outlining steps to "further strengthen the deterrence of war between nations," reported KCNA.

North Korea's military was previously seen installing about ten loudspeakers near the demilitarized zone (DMZ), days after replacing some 20 sound devices. Some 40 such systems were previously deployed after the two Koreas signed an agreement in 2018 to end "all acts of hostility."

A spokesman for South Korea's Unification Ministry, which handles relations with North Korea, said it was monitoring the current situation. The Unification Ministry also said South Korea had no change in its stance on safeguarding the inter-Korean agreement.

The ministry also confirmed reports that several official North Korean propaganda websites had removed several articles critical of South Korea. But a spokesman for the Unification Ministry said he did not know the reasons for North Korea's stance.

Korea's demilitarized zone (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

North Korea's Changing Attitude

Kim Jong-un's younger brother, Kim Yo-jong, warned of retaliation against South Korea last week. He said North Korea would retaliate by involving the military, but he did not elaborate.

The General Staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA) later said it had studied plans that included sending troops to tourism and economic zones, reoccupying border guard posts that had been abandoned under the 2018 pact, and taking steps to turn frontlines into fortresses. They also support plans to send their propaganda leaflets directly to South Korea.

In contrast to his younger brother's attitude, Kim Jong-un decided to suspend military action. However, it cannot be determined whether the reprieve represents a reprieve of several weeks from increasingly provocative actions by North Korea.

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