JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said that all policies taken by the government were in accordance with Indonesia's conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the government makes decisions based on data and advice from experts.

"Every policy we carry out is based on scientific data and always asks for advice from scientists, science experts. Like what methods are used and what data is there," Jokowi said in a press conference broadcast online on the YouTube account of the Presidential Secretariat, Wednesday. , June 24th.

In making decisions, he continued, the government always monitors an integrated system called Bersatu Against COVID.

This system, said Jokowi, is a navigation for the government to understand the development of COVID-19 which tends to move dynamically every day, week and month.

The former Governor of DKI Jakarta said that through this system, the government could also determine the zoning rate of transmission of COVID-19. "With this system, we can find out how many districts, how many cities, how many provinces have changed their status," he said.

Uniting against COVID, said Jokowi, will also help the government decide the policy for implementing the new normal phase.

Because, all data can be seen from the system. Thus, the precondition stage, implementation time, and priority for the implementation of this new normal phase can be monitored and implemented with conditions in the field.

Previously, Doni Monardo, Chair of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, said that the government already has a system to record and integrate data from the regional to national levels.

This system, called Bersatu Against COVID, can be accessed by the public from the covid19.go.id website and will display information related to maps of areas where positive cases of COVID-19 are spread in various provinces.

"This system is capable of monitoring data on the distribution of positive cases, positive patients who recovered and died, People Under Supervision (ODP), Patients Under Supervision (PDP)," Doni said in a press conference broadcast on BNPB YouTube Account, Wednesday, April 29.

Furthermore, in this system, there is a cumulative and national graph of cases based on age group, sex, early symptoms, to comorbid or congenital diseases of the patient.

In addition, the system, which is derived from data inputted by hospitals, health centers, laboratories, and health offices at the regional level, is expected to be used by local governments to analyze the need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical personnel and determine other strategic steps. in dealing with COVID-19.

"Detailed case descriptions can be used to analyze the logistical needs of hospitals and laboratories in handling COVID-19 cases and as a basis for making policies," said Doni.

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