JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the level of awareness of reporting gratuities receipts is still low in the country. The reason is that currently only 56 percent of the 785 government agencies report.

"Now 56 percent of these 785 (agencies, ed) have reported. Once he has reported, we have counted it. Yes, only once," said KPK Deputy Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan, which was broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Wednesday, August 18. .

The 785 government agencies that are required to report gratuities consist of 542 local governments, and 85 ministries, institutions, agencies, commissions, BUMN, and BUMD.

Even so, this report is considered to be better than the previous three years. At that time, said Pahala, gratification reports had only amounted to 17 percent as long as the KPK was established.

"This means that the remaining 83 percent have never reported to the KPK that they have received gratuities," he said.

This makes the KPK consider that the awareness of government agencies and their officials to report gratuities is still low. In fact, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will not question the award if a report comes in.

"We think that maybe there is no gratification at all in the area or we are not aware at all. We don't mind that this is gratification," said Pahala. Furthermore, Pahala explained that throughout this year or coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no extraordinary reports. as in the previous year. He revealed this year there were no reports of fantastic value.

"This year is normal. It used to be special because of the visit of the king from the middle east. It must have increased by tens of billions (the value of the report, ed) because of their habit of giving gifts but official gifts and that is usually reported by the State Secretariat," he concluded.

He then explained that throughout the first semester of 2021, the KPK had received 1,1137 gratification reports with a nominal value of Rp. 6.9 billion. Of this amount, 309 gratuities were declared as state property and Rp760 million had been deposited into the state treasury as non-tax state revenue (PNBP).

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