JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that the compliance rate of legislators in the DPR and DPRD to report their assets through the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) decreased compared to the previous year.

"The bad news is that for the legislature, the DPR and DPRD used to be 100 percent," said KPK Deputy Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan in a press conference broadcast on the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Wednesday, August 18.

He revealed that the level of compliance of members of the House of Representatives to report their wealth this year was only 55 percent. Meanwhile, DPRD members are fairly obedient because 90 percent of legislators have submitted their reports.

Pahala said the high rate of compliance in reporting assets in the previous year, especially when the legislative election occurred because this was mandatory as a condition for participating in the contestation. However, they should still report their assets periodically after being elected.

Although the compliance of legislators has decreased, the overall compliance of asset reporting in the first semester of 2021 has increased to 96.31 percent compared to the previous year which was at 95.33 percent.

"Until the middle of June, the average compliance is 96 percent better than last year. Maybe with full electronic reporting, it's simpler and announcements if you don't have an LHKPN, there can be problems," he said.

The KPK noted that as of June 30, 2020, the KPK had received 363,638 LHKPN from a total of 377,574 mandatory reports. The number consists of 96.44 percent of the executive field; 89.27 percent of the legislative sector; 98.46 percent of the judicial sector; and 98.15 percent of BUMN and BUMD.

In addition, the KPK also found a high role for the public to access the e-announcement feature on its e-LHKPN application. There were 317,318 accesses in the first semester of 2021 with the five largest cities with access, namely Jakarta (100,316); Medan (19,142); Surabaya (18,421); Makassar (13,546); and Bandung (12,635).

Finally, the KPK has also examined 175 LHKPN during the first semester of 2021, which consists of 92 Examination Result Reports (LHP) at internal requests including those related to the selection process for Supreme Court justices and case development and 83 LHP from state administrators such as regional heads, BUMD directors. , and state administrators in the ministry.

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