JAKARTA - The panel of judges for the Corruption Crime (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court withdrew the indictment of the Public Prosecutor (JPU) against 13 accused investment managers (MI) in the alleged corruption case related to Jiwasraya because it was considered complicated and unrelated.

In response to this, the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) stated that the preparation of the indictment had been carried out in a professional manner.

"I want to explain that the professionalism or accuracy of the prosecutor or the thoroughness of the prosecutor in making this indictment has been really professional and can be accounted for by the public prosecutor," said the Head of the AGO, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak to reporters, Wednesday, August 18.

In addition, the decision to merge in the preparation of the indictment is also in accordance with Article 141 letter c of the Criminal Procedure Code. Where, the public prosecutor assessed that the defendants were interrelated in the Jiwasraya corruption case.

"Several cases presented by 13 investment managers, if we look closely, are interrelated with cases that are currently being investigated related to the corruption crime that occurred at PT Jiwasraya Persero," Leonard said.

"And expressly the instructions from the head of the Supreme Court regarding Article 141 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) are the authority of the prosecutor or public prosecutor," he continued.

Previously, the Head of the Central Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Bima Suprayoga, said that he had prepared two schemes related to the judge's decision.

The first scheme that will be carried out is to improve the arrangement of the indictments or separate them. Then, the corrected charges will be transferred back to the court.

"The public prosecutor will determine his attitude, whether to repair the indictment and then transfer the indictment back," said Bima.

While the second scheme is by filing a legal action. Later, the team of prosecutors will file an objection to the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) on the judge's decision.

"Take legal action by filing an objection in accordance with 156 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Procedure Code to the High Court," said Bima.

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