JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) managed to save state money of up to Rp. 10.5 trillion because it had integrated data on recipients of social assistance (bansos).

Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK, Pahala Nainggolan, said that this data integration had actually been conveyed to high-ranking officials who held the position of Minister of Social Affairs. The reason is that in this ministry each directorate general has different data.

"(At the Ministry of Social Affairs, ed) there are three data holders. First, the Directorate General of PFM of the Ministry of Social Affairs holds the PKH (Family Hope Program) data, the second the Directorate General of Social Security, the Ministry of Social Affairs holds data called non-cash food assistance, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs holds DTKS data, "Pahala said at the conference press Performance Achievements in the Field of Prevention and National Strategy for the First Semester of 2021 which was broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube, Wednesday, August 18.

He said the data for each directorate in the Ministry of Social Affairs is believed to be double, causing budget leakage for each social assistance grant. This belief was also proven when the KPK carried out a visit to Papua in 2020 where there was double data per type and between species.

"We are sure, in the data itself there are doubles in PKH, for PKH and BPNT there are more doubles, then PKH, BPNT, and DTKS there are more doubles. We proved that in 2020 when we went to Papua, we found doubles per type and between types, "explained Pahala.

On this finding, he said the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, was said to have carried out a follow-up by carrying out integration. As a result, from 193 million data on social assistance recipients, 47 million duplicate data were found, leaving the remaining 155 million.

From the data, Pahala said Risma again checked based on the Population Identification Number (NIK) according to her recommendation.

"Because if we don't have the NIK, we don't know if this person exists or not," he said.

After checking with the NIK of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), it turns out that the remaining data on beneficiaries now stands at 139 million.

The data, continued Pahala, also includes input from regions that add data. With a total of about 52.5 million data that was put to sleep, the Ministry of Social Affairs is said to have succeeded in saving state finances of up to Rp. 10.5 trillion.

"If one data is usually given Rp. 200 thousand, we estimate that Rp. 10.5 trillion is safe from state money because the data is available, but the Minister (Tri Risma Harini, ed) said it was not given because it was double, there was no NIK, and the regions could not explain," he explained. .

"We appreciate this and in the future we will be accompanying it because the beginning of the inaccuracy of giving is data. The data itself, if the Ministry of Social Affairs is integrated, there are 52.5 million that are put to sleep," he concluded.

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