JAKARTA - The raising of the red and white flag held by the mass organization (ormas) Laskar Merah Putih (LMP) was prohibited and prevented by officers from the three pillars of Penjaringan at the Pantai Indak Kapuk (PIK) bridge, Penjaringan Subdistrict, North Jakarta, Tuesday, August 17, yesterday.
In fact, the 21-meter-long red and white flag hoisting was held to coincide with the celebration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day.
Based on observations at the location, at around 09.00 WIB, there was an argument between the LMP and Tiga Pilar officers during the ban on the laying of the red and white flag on the PIK bridge.
The PIK bridge was temporarily closed and traffic to Pantai Maju was diverted, causing congestion.
The Commander of the Red and White Army (LMP) Daenk Jamal stated that the aim of the LMP was to unfurl the 21-meter-long red and white flag in commemoration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day.
According to him, so far people have assumed that the existence of Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK) is considered controlled by foreigners. For that, on the 76th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, his party proved it by unfurling the red and white flag on the PIK Bridge.
The LMP, he continued, stated that the assumption was not true. Even though the raising of the flag was blocked because it was considered that it would cause a crowd in the middle of the Implementation of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
"We proved by going in there, that we can stand tall in PIK by flying the red and white flag. This is still the sovereign territory of the Republic of Indonesia, not foreigners," he said when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, August 18, morning.
He stated that his party could go inside and unfurl the red and white flag even though it was blocked by security officers.
"The bridge as a symbol becomes a unifying point, one point to another. We see that the PIK community's interest is actually supportive, only the management because it is under pressure and regulations so it is not implemented properly," he said.
Although his intention was against the PPKM rules, his party sincerely accepted the ban on raising the flag.
"We accept it gracefully, because we don't want friction with anyone. Because we love the Republic of Indonesia," he said.
Deputy Head of Polsek Metro Penjaringan AKP Arnold Simanjuntak said it was not allowed to stretch the red and white flag because it was feared it would cause a crowd that could potentially cause COVID-19 transmission.

"We, the police, have decided to coordinate with the Koramil and we will not give the permit because this is still PPKM, so it can cause crowds," he said.
AKP Arnold explained that although 20 people from the LMP did the flag unfurling, it was feared that the local community would witness it, resulting in a crowd.
Danramil-02/Penjaringan Major Inf. Steven Surbakti, said that any kind of activity ahead of the proclamation of independence is prohibited. After being given an understanding, finally 20 LMP members understood and disbanded in an orderly manner.
"We provide education in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, so all activities are carried out virtually in order to break the chain of COVID-19, without reducing the sense of nationalism," he said.
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