BANDA ACEH - The Aceh Police team arrested seven illegal miners in a number of places in Aceh Besar District.

Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Aceh Police, Kombes Sony Sanjaya, said that apart from arresting the seven perpetrators, the police also secured three units of heavy equipment.

"The perpetrators are suspected of mining uruk land or piled land without a permit. The arrests of the perpetrators are based on the results of the investigation by the Tipidter Unit I Sub-Directorate IV team," said Kombes Sony Sanjaya, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 17.

The seven suspected illegal mining actors who were arrested were each with the initials IS (30), RD (46), IW (33), KS (46), AZ (43), RDH (25), and HF (37).

The perpetrators, said Kombes Sony, are mine owners, workers, and operators. They were arrested at three different mining sites in Aceh Besar District.

"There are three mining sites that have been prosecuted. Each mining site has one unit of heavy equipment with a different brand. Even at one location, the heavy equipment is carrying out mining activities," said Kombes Sony.

Currently, the alleged perpetrators and all evidence have been secured to the Aceh Police Headquarters for further investigation.

The police will continue to take action against illegal mining practices. This is because mining activities without a permit are dangerous for both the community and the environment.

"It is very dangerous. Illegal mining harms the community by causing environmental damage. The local government is also at a loss because there is no revenue from the mine," said Kombes Sony.

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