JAKARTA - Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Aceh Province, Meurah Budiman, said that the theft convicts did not accept assimilation. In addition, there are three other types of criminals who are not assimilated.

"In addition to theft, convicts of fraud, child protection, and recidivist or ex-convicts also do not accept assimilation," said Meurah Budiman, in Banda Aceh, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, August 17.

Assimilation is the process of fostering prisoners to assimilate them into society. Prisoners who receive are released from correctional institutions (prisons) and state detention centers (rutan).

The release is so that the prisoners undergo assimilation at home before returning to society. Meurah Budiman said that the prisoners in these cases were not given assimilation, because the results of the evaluation of the implementation of assimilation last year were many prisoners of theft, fraud and recidivist repeating their crimes.

"Unlike last year, 2020, convicts of theft, fraud, child protection and recidivist are given assimilation. This assimilation is given to prevent the spread of COVID-19," said Meurah Budiman.

Regarding the implementation of the 2021 assimilation, Meurah Budiman said more than 600 prisoners in Aceh accepted the assimilation. Assimilation is given to prisoners who meet the requirements, including while serving a crime with good behavior, participating in various coaching programs in prisons and detention centers, having served two-thirds of their sentence, making statements not to repeat criminal acts, and others.

"Until now, we have not received reports of prisoners receiving assimilation repeating their crime. We continue to monitor the implementation of the assimilation of prisoners to ensure they do not return to prisons or remand centers," said Meurah Budiman.

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