MEDAN - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, confirmed that he would have an office at the red zone sub-district office to find out the implementation of Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"I ask that the Secretary of State and I (Sekda of Medan City Wiriya Alrahman, ed.) will start on Wednesday (18/8), sir. We will both have offices in the red zone sub-district," Bobby Nasution said, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 16. .

Bobby Nasution wants to know what the implementation of PPKM level 4 at the lowest level, namely the head of the environment for handling COVID-19 patients, looks like.

Because, he said, the elements of the regional leadership forum (forkompinda), especially the TNI/Polri had provided troops to the lowest level to handle exposed patients.

"Really the sub-district head must understand how to implement micro PPKM, the village head, the head of the environment and all of them as well," said Bobby Nasution.

The Mayor of Medan also said that last week's visit by the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, confirmed that the lurah is the leader because he leads the babinsa and bhabinkamtibmas.

"We are monitoring the implementation of micro PPKM and tightening of the four that were conveyed by the President, namely restrictions on mobility, 'tracing and testing' must reach the target, centralized isolation and optimal vaccination," said Bobby Nasution.

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