BENGKULU – Kastini's tears were unstoppable when she met the Military District Commander 0423/North Bengkulu Lt. Col. Inf Agung P. Saksono. Kastini wept because she missed the figure of a fighter in TNI uniform, like the one her late husband wore 24 years ago.

Kastini, Warakawuri of the Republic of Indonesia's independence fighter had been waiting for this moment. He was eager to meet with the highest leadership in the ranks of the TNI in his area.

Lt. Col. Inf Agung P. Saksono accompanied by the Chairman of Persit XLV Dim 0423/BU Rizky Agung finally visited Kastini at his daughter's residence in Kota Arga Makmur District, Bengkulu.

Her meeting with the Military District Command Commander 0423/BU, healed Kastini's longing for her husband, who had left her since 1997.

"My request is only one, for decades I have wanted to meet the Dandim here. Just to treat my longing for my husband who died in 1997," said the Dandim, imitating Kastini's words, to VOI, Monday, August 16.

Even though he is old, Kastini hopes that the friendship with TNI soldiers will be maintained and well established.

Lt. Col. Inf Agung P Saksono said his meeting with Warakawuri was a request from Kastini's family. This visit was carried out because his physical condition no longer allowed him to go out of the house.

"I was moved, for decades waiting just to meet the Dandim, he said. This information was from my wife, one of her grandchildren wrote a message via Instagram, so we rushed to visit her. From our ranks, her husband is a warrior. twilight," said Agung.

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