SULUT - The Sangihe Islands Regency Government, North Sulawesi (Sultra) has budgeted Rp1.8 billion for grants to social organizations in the 2021 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD).

"The Sangihe Regency Government through the 2021 APBD has allocated a budget of Rp1.8 billion for social organizations," said Head of the Welfare Section of the Sangihe Regency Secretariat, Tomy Fredrik in Tahuna, Antara, Monday, August 16.

According to him, grants for social organization organizations are contained in the Regent's decision number 109/740 dated March 3, 2021.

"There are nine social organizations and institutions that have received grants from the Sangihe Regional Budget in 2021," he said.

The nine social organizations and institutions are the National Narcotics Agency, the National Amil Zakat Agency, the Sangihe Evangelical Christian Church, the Quran Tilawatil Development Institute, the Indonesian Ulema Council, Muhammadiyah, Indonesian Muslim Youth, the Indonesian Red Cross and the Islamic Society.

"The amount of the grant is between Rp. 50 million to Rp. 500 million. The National Narcotics Agency and GMIST each receive a grant of Rp. 500 million," he said.

The Sangihe District Government also provided grants to 49 churches and mosques.

"This year there are also 49 churches and mosques that received grants from the Sangihe Regency government," he said.

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