JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), Habib Aboebakar Alhabsyi, emphasized that Indonesia must be free from the COVID-19 pandemic on the momentum of the celebration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day. "This is a reflection of our 76th independence. our struggle to be free from colonialism, now our struggle is to be free from the COVID-19 pandemic," said Habib Aboebakar, Monday, August 16.

According to him, being free from COVID-19 means that people are free from the fear caused by the pandemic. So, people must receive correct information about this epidemic.

Thus, Habib said, the people will implement the health protocols with awareness. People will also vaccinate because they consider it a necessity.

"People also shouldn't be burdened with various test procedures that cost exorbitantly, such as the price of PCR which is too high. It doesn't make sense if the price of one PCR swab test will cost a person's salary in a month," said the member of Commission III of the DPR.

"In addition, being free from the pandemic also means that the people have a guarantee of qualified health services. It is not difficult to get a referral hospital or to get oxygen cylinders," he continued.

Aboebakar said independence also means that people can survive in the midst of a pandemic. Can provide a living for his wife's children, so they can get a decent life.

"Of course all of this needs to be done with a serious struggle, like the seriousness of the independence heroes who shed sweat and blood. But all of this can be done if there is a heroic spirit, namely the spirit of sacrifice for others, the spirit of sacrifice for the homeland and nation," he said.

Aboebakar admits that in every struggle there is often betrayal. Likewise, in the struggle for independence from this pandemic, there are always those who betray, such as those who corrupt aid for the pandemic. "This of course betrays Pancasila, especially the precepts of the Almighty God,"

Therefore, added Aboebakar, during this pandemic period, all parties also need to strengthen the values of Pancasila. Among them, strengthening divine values, human values and the value of unity. "Thus, as a nation of Indonesia, we will be able to be independent from COVID-19," said Aboebakar.

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